Tuesday, July 7, 2009

June 27 - Swimming in the Columbia

Rocky and I went for a lovely early morning walk along the river. It was a calm windless morning. Trains were busy running along the Oregon and Washington lines. The boys only got out of bed once they smelt breakfast. We met our 17-year-old neighbor, named Adrian, who took a liking to Rocky as Rocky did to him. After breakfast everyone disappeared including Rocky - Adrian’s mom had taken him for a walk. I had planned to do a hike, but when I saw how happily occupied everyone was, that plan was abandoned. By the afternoon we were all down on the beach and Adrian, who plans to be a civil engineer, was a good asset in the wall-building department. Sometimes a barge would pass and create big waves. Fortifications were most important! Everyone was swimming but it took me at least 2 hours to build up the courage to get in the cold water. Jumping off the lava bluffs was real fun as well. Our perfect day ended with a game of tetherball and s’mores at Adrian’s campfire.

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