Monday, July 20, 2009

July 14 - Hello Washington

Crossing the bridge at Astoria marked the end of our time in Oregon. I was sad to leave because we have really enjoyed our time there. The coast was really spectacular. The 101 in Washington does not hug he coast and I found the driving quite depressing. Towns are run down and roads are in bad condition. The logging was easy to see on all the hillsides. I did enjoy our blue skies! When we arrived at our campground in Kalaloch I was overjoyed to see how close to the beach it was. It took us a while to back into our narrow sloping site. The forest trees completely enveloped us. We rushed down to the beach and discovered it was covered with an endless supply of driftwood. Many shelters had been built using the wood. Rob was all enthused to build his own hut. We saw some stacks of wood ready to be lit later in the evening. The wind was chilly and the boys were pleased to have their new jackets to keep them warm. Rob and I explored the local lodge for WiFi and their menu. Everything was very expensive and they scoffed at the idea of WiFi. The campground is silent at night – except for the soft sound of the waves.

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