Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 22 - Vermont ice cream is good

We left Boston area today to make our way to Vermont. We passed through New Hampshire. The south portion is a pretty dull drive but as we got closer to the White Mountains the vistas were lovely. We saw many hamlets with the traditional steeple churches in the center of town. It is so green here – I bet the fall colors are wonderful. Vermont is wonderful. Not only for the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream but also the scenery. The clouds are low and many valleys are filled with mist. We enjoyed the factory tour and the boys over indulged on the ice cream samples.(pic) It was fun watching the production line – quite amazing when the lids stopped aligning with the tubs and the operators had to pull many tubs of ice cream off the conveyors and dump the ice cream in the trash. Tubs and lids are recycled. We bought dad a tub of “Image Whirled Peace” in anticipation of his arrival on Sunday.
We found an incredible State Park for the night. It is on the edge of a reservoir, which is surrounded by trees. The views were wonderful.(pic) It reminded me of the film “On Golden Pond”.

Rest stops along Vermont interstates have WiFi - how convenient!

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