We live within 25 miles of the peak of a 14er. During the summer one can drive all the way to the top on a paved road - the highest paved road in North America. At this time of year the peak has snow, the road is not plowed and one can only drive to about 13000 ft. We also recently discovered that some of the bristle cone pines at tree line are about 1700 years old. School were closed on Friday so we decided to do some hiking up to the trees. We parked at a trail head at about 9500 ft and ventured into the forest. After hiking for two hours we realized that the trail was not going to take us up to tree line, so we turned around and returned to the car. We drove up to tree line (11500 ft) and took a short walk through the bristle cone forest. The texture and shape of the trees was really beautiful (pic). We continued further up the road and had a birds eye view to the west. Groves of aspen created a lovely patchwork in the distance (pic). The sleet on the road became too scary so we turned around and headed home. All in all another good day in Colorado!
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