Another lovely campground close to home! Six miles up the Mt Evans road from Idaho Springs, followed by three miles of gravel leads one into a quiet, beautifully situated campground. The sound of the creek and the rustling aspen make this a great place to relax. Rocky, Ant and I enjoyed a sunrise hike up the "Hells Hole Trail" (pic). The boys discovered a fort in amongst the willows along the creek. It was a large complex of connected "rooms" and they loved conjecturing the use of each room. They each claimed a personal room, and declared a room for meditation, Rocky's sun room, the weaving room, a treasure room and others I cannot remember the details of. They were busy in their complex for hours(pic). Rich and I were able to go for a peaceful walk along the creek (pic). On our return to the camp ground we tried ambusing them but their defences were good and we could not penetrate the fort.
The chill in the air is quite refreshing and the aspen are changing color. We may return to see the colors at the beginning of October.
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