Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7 - Here we go again!

It is Sunday evening - I have survived one of the busiest weeks of my life. Work was a mad house and I had to leave tasks incomplete. Our annual fundraiser had me typing in auction items most evenings. Today we fed 800 people breakfast and auctioned off 130 items. It was worth it because we made about $7000. I hope the firefighters enjoy their new equipment.

Early this morning I had a good chuckle watching 7 chaps trying to erect our South African shade awning. It is not made to true American "easy button" standards, so it really floored them. They persevered and got it up in the end.

We have almost finished packing the trailer. We will get some sleep then leave on our next big adventure - to the northwest.

Enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited about another summer of 'virtually' travelling with you - I just have to work out my password to be able to comment now!!

Steph - can't find password so you have to have an anonymous comment!