Our return to Salt Lake City was eventful. The Durango over heated and took ages to cool down. I sent mom on ahead with some of the kids and I hung out at a busy gas station with Rob and Ryan. I was amazed at the volume of customers that stopped at the station. There must be good money to be made here! Once we got back on the road the car behaved pretty well. It did however overheat again when we reached mom's place. The steep Wasatch fault and city driving was just too much for the car. It took a few tries to get the camper backed into mom's driveway - and we discovered that we had picked up a puncture in a camper wheel. I was able to change it out, thanks to Rich's good training.
Sylvia treatd us to a wonderful welcome "home" BBQ. The boys love her cooking. After a few days break we finished the final leg of the journey back to Denver. I took the Wyoming route and was able to get all the way back to Lookout Mountain before the car overheated again. I was very happy to back the camper into its resting spot at the bottom of the drive, and get a good nights sleep in my own bed.
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