We drove up into a pristine area of the Redwood forest. Around every corner we saw incredible trees. They grow perfectly straight up to about 320ft high. They are just far enough off the coast so that they are protected from the coastal winds, but still get the moisture-laden fog that rolls in off the water. Their root system is shallow but intertwined with its neighbors for added support. We took a walk through a grove of giants and stood in awe of these long surviving trees. The ferns growing on the forest floor below these trees are huge. It is almost as if they want to be admired as well.
We headed out to some more tidal pools north of Crescent City. The boys waded across some water to gain access to more rocks. Rocky saw them there and braved the crossing to follow them. I was quite impressed with him. We stumbled across a seal sunning himself - away from the surf. He let the boys get close before he finally swam off.
After having a really early seafood dinner we returned to the camper to collect the tent and sleeping gear so that we could spend the night at the beach campsite. We were unable to take Rocky with us so Ant volunteered to stay with Rocks, at the camper for the night. We were lucky to get the last campsite and soon had the tent pitched. We went down to the beach to explore the pools further. The fog rolled in over the hilltops and the effect was incredible. Our sunset was super and we were soon back in the tent for the night. The sound of the surf was wonderful. Rob and Mike loved snacking before bed and then snuggling down to sleep without have to shower and brush teeth. I must admit that sleeping on hard ground is not my choice of sleeping arrangements but it was worth the experience.
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